Every business and organization wants to recruit the best candidate for the job. If you limit your posting to, say, your website or one job board, chances are not everyone that could be qualified for the job will see it.
By leveraging other platforms you will in turn increase the number of candidates, you reach. You will also be able to track where applications are coming from, and track where the most qualified resumes are coming from.
Organizations like the City of St. Albert regularly post jobs to their own websites from their cloud recruitment solutions. To increase the reach of their online recruitment efforts, they also publish them to about 30 third-party media properties.
In St. Albert’s case, these include, but are not limited to:
When posting to a variety of different locations, recruiters want to know which ones deliver more results. To make this happen, St. Albert uses several URLs for the same posting (one URL per external site). The city then uses the Njoyn applicant tracking system to track each visit to its website back to the site the visitor came from. This automated data capture technique provides better results than having to ask job applicants to state which site they came from, thereby sparing applicants some effort online.
There are many sites a business can use to track and post jobs. The City’s recruitment coordinator, like any other hiring official, loves to know whether their external advertising efforts work or not. Limiting job postings to your website is disadvantageous to your business so being able to track applicants is key to hiring success.
Read more about how applicant tracking systems save time and resources and help you gain access to a greater pool of candidates.
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